Huntin' for Eggs

Bunny Basket!

Lydia and Siri


Lydia checking out the new perch Daddy built so she can look out the window.

Afternoon Stroll

Lydia out for a walk with Mom, Dad and Uncle Jon.

Before and After


Lydia making a move on a some leftovers while Mom and Dad are distracted.

Look ma, no high chair!

Lydia dining on barley soup and crackers. The novelty of sitting in her own chair hasn't worn off yet. Presume we'll be cleaning soup off the walls in another week or two when it does.

Graham Crackers and Digging

A few more...

...from Ashlyn's party.

Chuck E Cheese's

More fun at Ashlyn's birthday party!

Cupcake Lunch

Lydia washing down pizza with a cupcake at Ashlyn's birthday party today.

Goodbye Winter!

Hangin at the park today - finding it hard to believe there was snow
in the forecast earlier in the week!

Coffee Shop

Deserted coffee shop = play area for Lydia!

Snow Day!

Out for coffee this morning to celebrate a snow day and day off for
Mommy and Daddy!

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